Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The New Year

I know I've disappointed you for being gone so long. It's been over a month since I've blogged. I feel like I'm in a confessional and I'm not even Catholic. The reason I've been gone so long is that I've been doing some deep thinking about my life. You can stop reading now if you don't want maybe TMI.

I turned 47 in 2008 and I'm now on the downward slope to 50. I've been trying to lose weight since I was in my early 20's when I only weighed 119. Dieting has become part of my life and I just keep getting larger. I haven't always been fat, just since having my son did my weight spiral out of control. Now I'm starting to fear for my health. I don't have any problems right now, but I can see them in the near future if I don't get this under control.

One of the reasons I gained the weight in the first place was because I was gifted with a special needs child. He has cause me stress that only a mother of a special needs child can understand. Eating was my medication of choice to help me get through the day. Now, I'm happy to say, Son is a healthy, happy, well-adjusted, and a fairly NORMAL child at 14. I don't have to eat to medicate myself to relieve the stress. That stress is gone. I also gained weight because I had an intestinal problem which turned out to be a blockage in my gall bladder that caused me severe pain if my stomach didn't have something in it. Every time I felt pain, I would eat. It worked, until I had a severe gall bladder attack and had it removed. Now I don't have that excuse any more either. So, why am I still so large? I think I gained the last 20 pounds because I'm going through menopause. It's been 11 months since my last period. Just one more month to go before I can officially say I'm in menopause. It's very exciting, but I think the hormone thing has cause the weight gain. I haven't changed my diet at all. In fact, it may have even gotten healthier. My metabolism has slowed down to a snail's pace.

I'm done being fat. Plain and simple. I'm back on Weight Watchers and committed like I've never been before. I have sworn off sodas, high fat dairy, sugar substitutes, and sweets. Now I know all you are thinking that I'm crazy and this will never work. Wrong! I need to do these things for my health. You see, I've been a vegetarian for over 20 years, completely eliminated animal flesh of any kind in my diet, Yep, if it had parents I don't eat it. Now I still eat eggs, but no dad! It's time I take the big step to Veganism. I won't go cold turkey, but I have been gradually adding in substitutes for eggs and dairy into my diet. I've always know it's easier to make big changes than little ones, but I can't. However, to this end, I'm eating very low on the food chain these days and really enjoying every minute of it. Water is the only liquid I drink. If all you are drinking is water than it's easy to get it all in.

Exercise hasn't been as easy to do as changing the food. I hate exercise. It hurts to exercise. I have arthritis and way too many pounds to move comfortably. However, now the treadmill is in the living room right in front of the TV. I can't even see the TV from the couch. My goal is to walk 30 minutes five days a week. If I go a little longer or maybe even run a bit, all the better.

Just to keep me honest, I have to share this with you. I'm starting this journey at 200 pounds. Yep, that's right, 200 pounds! I can hardly believe it myself. At 5'1" tall, that horrible. Worse yet is that I've already lost 5 pounds to get to 200 pounds. So, in case you were wondering if this sewing blog was going to become a weight loss journal, it isn't. I just thought that I could share all this with you, my sewing friends and you would encourage me along the way. After all, if I lose weight I'll have to come up with new alterations for new patterns and sew me some new clothes. I'm hoping you, my sewing friends, will be with me as I move down this new path to a healthy happy new me. Thanks for listening and being there for me.



  1. You can do this! Just be kind and patient with yourself.

  2. Hang in there. Learning to eat healthy is a challenge but doable. Check out Cooking Light and for recipes to keep meals healthy and interesting.

  3. Good for you. Now kick ass and take names!

  4. I'll be rooting for you!

  5. I am rooting for you, Sherrill. I know you can do this. I think you are going to slap that ole meno monster right in the face! You go!

  6. I think it's great that you're thinking of your health! I'm working on that too. I'm contemplating my first-ever diet- none of my pants fit anymore!

  7. Go for it, Sherril! You can do it!

  8. I know exactly how you feel, being a plus sized woman myself. We can inspire and motivate each other if you like.

  9. good luck from the Netherlands, Yes you can!!!!

  10. Well Sherril, "thanks for sharing" sounds soooo ..." My eyes are teary now. I feel for you--and for me, too. I'm 5'1" and 150 pounds. I'm worried about heart attack 'cos my weight is in my stomach... I feel the same as you do!! Let's both get on our treadmills and encourage each other, OK!! ;)
    Soft hug,

  11. Is there a pool near you?There are water exercise programs aimed at arthritis sufferers,its much easier on the joints .
    I have fibromyalgia and gained weight from the medications and inability to exercise so i understand completely!

  12. Dear Sherril:
    I have tears in my eyes from your post! I too had an epiphany regarding my weight and my health. My life was spinning out of control, and I was getting bigger and bigger. I found the only thing I could control was me. So I joined a gym and started taking group classes 5x a week. I went on an eating plan guided by . It's 2 years later, and I've lost half my weight so far. This year I've made a resolution to lose the other half. I'll think of you often, and I'll feel like we're on this journey together. Congratulations to you for doing something before a health crisis hit.

  13. Congratulations on your determination! You have really thought this out and know what you want and are dedicated to getting there. I'm sorry that exercise is no fun for you. Hopefully it is one of those things that the more you do it, the more you'll like it. I really love working out and get very cranky if I don't get to.

    If you're looking for new cookbooks, definitely check out Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. I stopped buying vegetarian cookbooks (I'm veggie but not vegan) a long time ago because there was never anything new. You have to get past the cutesy post-punk style of writing, but this one really had some interesting new recipes. The best one I've tried so far is Greek Style Giant Lima Beans (don't know if that's the exact name of the recipe, but that's the gist).

  14. I wish you the best of luck on your journey - I know you can do it! Good health is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. I just turned 47 as well - I'm still wondering how that happened and what can be done about it...

  15. You go, girl! Way to take charge! (I need that cheerleader graemlin...)

  16. I too was gaining weight after menopause (plus several years of Prozac) and I got up to 170lbs from 110lbs. At 5'2" that is a lot of weight. My blood pressure is up, collesterol(sp?) is good right now, but the weight does affect BP a great deal. I've arthritis in lower back with two shot disks. After changing my anti-depresent to Lexapro, going to Curves--which my spine specialist recommended;he indicated two machines I should not do because of pressure on the spine. He also said to continue taking Glucosomine/Condroiten, calcium and Boniva and walking a mile every day. I've lost 20+ lbs, but that took some time. I just discovered these walking videos at the site (great site, by the way). You can do your walk indoors if it is rainy. Just tried part I and the heart rate is elevated. Give it a try.

    You are really guite brave to continue trying new stylish patterns.

  17. I know what you mean about self-medicating for stress.

    Kudos to you for taking charge! We are all here to support you.

  18. You go girl! Just document all your fitting changes for us as you report your success.

    Congratulations on the resolution of your son's special needs. It's a joy to see, isn't it?

  19. I'm glad you're back.You said everything I've been feeling,but was too scared to put it "out there".You have my prayers and support.You can do it! Maybe I can too!

  20. I missed you, Sherril! Know that you've got a cheering squad here - and congratulations on losing the first five!!

  21. I"ll keep you in my prayers and pray for success for all of us in the same spot. Keep posting, we really missed you.

  22. That story sounds familiar to another 5'1 person that menopause/hormones brought on the bust, tummy and out of control weight gain. I packed on fifty pounds more when I entered my fifties- have to do better now in my sixties. Good luck with it - you are so talented I am sure you will inspire all of us that need help with your quest. mssewcrazy

  23. You can do it! I'm just shy of 5'1 but in fall 2007 I lost 2 sizes on the Divorce Diet. I was just too sad to eat. Now I'm a bike commuter and I focus on eating protein, moderate amounts of whole grains (except low-GI pasta, which is fine!). Yesterday I doscovered I wear the same size as when I was an aerobics bunny at age 18, though surely that's vanity sizing for you as I think I was even thinner then. Exercise did it for me, and Ive been veg too since 1986. Veganism didn't solve anything, but lowfat cheeses have been very helpful--and an essential part of a vegg diet in the Low Countries where the dairy industry and natural foods are so important it's virtually impossible to find soy alternatives. Good luck and God bless!

  24. Love your blog here Sherril. My thoughts are with you through this journey. You will feel better as each week goes by. If you need another venue to help you along, not that weight watchers isn't good because I have lost weight with them in the past, but I use currently and love it. Lots of support on that site which is what keeps me going day to day. I am thinking of you friend!

  25. love your blog! you are so brave to share all that online. i too, am on a journey to lose the weight gained from a lifetime of stress and bad habits. i have a spec needs son (11 yr) and i gained 45 lbs during that year of dealing with all his issues and grieving the loss of a normal child. its so nice to meet someone else who gets that.

    how's this year going for you? have you heard of sparkspeople? its a wonderful site i'm on that helps you track your eating and exercise, plus they have articles and you can connect with others losing weight.

  26. Are you still attempting this? Want a WW buddy? Let me know.


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